Security Coalition for Equitable Advancement (SCEA)

Introducing the Security Coalition for Equitable Advancement (SCEA)

To unify our industry behind a common vision, we are introducing the Security Coalition for Equitable Advancement (SCEA), which will help us identify new, innovative, and diverse approaches for protecting our people and most valuable assets from new forms of attack. This coalition will serve as a guidepost helping prioritize diversity in thought to guarantee our defense strategies are as strong, creative, and comprehensive as those who seek to attack us.


The Security Coalition for Equitable Advancement (SCEA) accelerates Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) across the security industry, fostering an environment where every individual can participate equitably.


To cultivate a diverse security workforce at all levels.

Participating Organizations

ASIS International Logo

ASIS International

DSAC seal

Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC), Department of Homeland Security and FBI

Girl Security

International Organization of Black Security Professionals Logo

International Organization of Black Security Professionals

International Security Management Association (ISMA)

International Security Management Association (ISMA)

Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC), U.S. Department of State

SCEA’s Four Main Objectives

shaking hands across globe icon

To build

a more diverse, inclusive, and equitable workforce, reflective of the world we live in, across all echelons of the public and private security industry.

globe with pins icon

To capitalize

on the opportunity that diverse thinking creates, thereby ensuring the most comprehensive and sophisticated protection against evolving and diverse threat agents.

connected globe icon

To consistently communicate

this DEI vision to key participants and decision makers across the security industry, encouraging accelerated progress, actionable programming, and measurable outcomes.

hand holding globe icon

To create

a cohesive approach to how we accelerate DEI progress in the security industry, effectively unifying industry leaders and professionals behind the cause.

SCEA’s Pillars for Progress

To drive progress that is both meaningful and measurable we will build strategies and programs around four key pillars.

1. Hiring and Recruitment
Partner with university “ERG”/Specialty groups, and associations for career fair/focused events
Coordinate DEI-focused internship, mentorship, and fellowship programs for attracting and retaining candidates

2. Education and Training
Create a repository for sharing lessons learned/best practices and marketing/outreach content
Explore coordinated education/scholarship programs for attracting talented candidates

3. Marketing
Create a joint DEI marketing plan with shared content
Coordinate DEI-focused programs, events, and shared spaces at events (internal & external)

4. Data and Research
Conduct surveys and establish goals/metrics associated with DEI programs, recruitment, education, scholarships
Complete journey maps for respective organizations


August 1, 2024

Introducing the Security Coalition for Equitable Advancement: Driving DEI Progress in Security

In recent years, there has been more urgency to prioritize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) within the security industry to help diversify the workforce and…