Are you ready to lead your organization and fully integrate security as a strategic business asset? Safeguarding people, information, operations, and brand require security to be integrated into every aspect of the business. Thinking like a business leader, asking the right questions, and understanding the organization’s business goals and strategies empower security executives to assess associated risks and recommend solutions to add value and deliver business impact. Successful security leaders possess a holistic view of security; they view the function through the business’s objectives, and can articulate that vision effectively to senior leaders and the board.
This in-person course is developed specifically for senior security professionals by ISMA and the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University. Through lectures, cases, simulations, and group exercises you will learn leading management practices that will help you expand your leadership skills and enable you and your security team to speak the language of the business. You and your team will become partners, facilitators, and problem solvers for business leaders across the organization. Open to ISMA members and their staff.