1st grant cycle: Applications are accepted January 1 – May 31, with decisions communicated by June 30.
2nd grant cycle: Applications are accepted July 1 – November 30, with decisions communicated by December 31.
Eligibility Requirements:
U.S. nonprofits seeking funding must have 501(c)(3) status.
U.S. nonprofits with an operating budget under $1,000,000 (U.S. dollars) are preferred.
Organization’s Mission: The organization has a focus that supports the safety and security of U.S. citizens and organizations at home or abroad.
One Grant Per Year: The organization can only receive a TSF grant once a year
Ineligible Support:
Projects that seek to influence legislation or election campaigns directly or indirectly; activities related to influencing government policies, permitting or regulations will not be considered.
The Security Foundation (TSF) is pleased to announce the most recent recipients of TSF's Nonprofit Grants Program:
TSF's grant supports Hostage US's Development office and fundraising efforts.
TSF's grant helps to fund the grants program for the Diplomatic Security Foundation of the...