Our History

The history of The Security Foundation is the story of strategic transformation of our nation’s public-private partnerships and of the security profession itself. We’ve evolved from ours roots of supporting and expanding through funding the vital programming of global security to a trusted convener and leader in the security community at home and abroad.

In 2011, visionary OSAC private-sector Council members recognized the need for independent nonprofit to secure private support to strengthen and expand OSAC programming. Today, as a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit, TSF provides resources for networking and information-sharing events for OSAC and the Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) and its partnership with the FBI, DHS and the domestic private security community. TSF also created Nonprofit Grants program in 2020 and spearheads a DEI collaboration with several leading security public-private partnerships and organizations.

With each transformative step, ours is an impactful narrative of growth for the resilience and deeper connections between government agencies and nonprofits and private security.


First TSF-funded OSAC Event

October 10, 2013: First TSF-funded OSAC event for Nairobi Country Chapter following the Westgate Mall attack in Nairobi by Islamic extremists. RSO Marion Cotter convened a Nairobi Country Chapter meeting to provide a briefing and address the post-attack rumors and misinformation.


First TSF Annual Dinner

Held on November 19, 2013, at the Willard InterContinental Hotel, the first TSF Annual Dinner to celebrate OSAC included 200 guests. This annual event that culminates OSAC Annual Briefing week has become a not-to-be-missed celebration of the security community. Pictured: John McClurg, Blackberry’s Senior Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer, served as the first President of the TSF [then the ISF] Board of Directors.


Africa Regional Committee Launched

With TSF funding, OSAC launched the Africa Regional Committee in March 2014. (pictured: Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs)


Middle East and North Africa Regional Committee Launched

OSAC established the Middle East and North Africa Regional Committee in October 2014 with TSF support.


OSAC Energy Security Confence at Rice University's Baker Institute in Houston Thursday, March 5, 2015. (Photo by Michael Stravato)

Energy Sector Committee Launched

Energy Sector Committee launched with TSF funding to extend OSAC sector-specific programming across all regions.


First TSF-funded International Travel Safety & Security Forum

Held at the George C. Marshall Conference Center, U.S. Department of State, Washington, D.C. in February 2016, the TSF-funded International Travel Safety & Security Forum continued OSAC’s excellent networking and information-sharing programming.


First TSF-funded Crisis Management Forum

This important program connects OSAC's public-private partnership across all sectors, regions and special-interest committees to convene around critical crisis management topics.


European regional committee group

Europe Regional Committee launched with TSF funding

Committee launched in April 2017 at Bloomberg’s New York City offices.


Women in Security Program launched with TSF funding

In November 2017, OSAC inaugurated its popular Women in Security program to promote diversity and to advocate for women’s promotion and leadership through all sectors of the security industry.


TSF-funded Multiple All-Country Chapter events

With TSF funding, OSAC held multiple All-Country Chapter events, beginning with All-China (pictured) and All-Vietnam Country Chapter events in March 2018, followed by an All-Australia Country Chapter event in August 2018.


ISF Speaker

Rich Davis becomes TSF President

Rich Davis served two impactful terms as TSF President, completing his tenure as President on December 31, 2023. He led substantial fundraising and endowment growth and program expansion for TSF. A security legend, Rich spent 40 years at United with 22 years as Managing Director, Global Security, prior to his retirement from United in 2018. Rich remains an active member of TSF's Board of Directors.


ISF First ever joint industry security seminar

First-ever, TSF-funded joint Security Seminar for Energy Sector Committee and Aviation Sector Committee.

This joint program brought together two key security sectors to collaborative and share information.


TSF surpasses $1 million in fundraising, establishes endowment.

In 2019, TSF’s fundraising efforts surpassed $1 million for the first time, and the TSF Dinner had 900-plus attendees, the largest attendance to date for an in-person TSF dinner. (pictured: Target team at 2019 TSF Dinner)


First non-OSAC Grant Awarded

Hostage US receives the first non-OSAC grant through the new TSF Grants Program for U.S. security nonprofits.


2021 First female TSF Dinner Keynote Speaker

For the 2021 TSF Virtual Reception, Dr. Madeleine K. Albright, 64th U.S. Secretary of State, offered sage wisdom and inspiring remarks.


GSP Committee

Global Security Pride launched with TSF funding

In November 2022, Global Security Pride held its inaugural event “High Securitea” with support from TSF, Meta and Capital One during OSAC week to promote visibility and awareness of the LGBTQ+ security community.


a man in a suit and tie standing at a podium

TSF adds support of domestic security public-private partnerships

In February 2023, TSF merged with the nonprofit Domestic Security Partnership (DSP) and began to support the Domestic Security Alliance Council’s (DSAC) programs.


2023 First Joint DEI Summit

TSF convened and hosted the first-ever meeting—and ongoing collaboration—on diversity, equity and inclusion efforts for the security profession by leading security organizations: ASIS, DSAC, ISMA and OSAC.


2023 First TSF-sponsored Students at OSAC Week and TSF Dinner

To champion security careers by young people in underrepresented communities (women and people of color), TSF funded the participation by two young Northeastern University students during the OSAC Annual Briefing and TSF Dinner.


Dave Komendat becomes TSF President

Dave Komendat, noted security leader, former TSF Vice President and retired VP and Chief Security Officer for The Boeing Company, began his tenure as TSF President on January 1, 2024.