- Exclusive recognition as the event Presenting Sponsor
- Premier logo placement at registration table & VIP reception
- Two front row tables for 12 guests each for a total of 24 guests
- Two VIP seats at the Head table with keynote speaker
- Table guests invited to the VIP reception with keynote speaker
- Logo on TSF step and repeat background for photos
- Dedicated social media post featuring donor profile
- Logo listed on all electronic collateral as Presenting Sponsor
- Group photo opportunity with keynote speaker
- Logo listed on event page of TSF website as Presenting Sponsor
- Acknowledgement during evening program remarks
- Full page inside front cover color ad in digital program journal
- Logo on all sponsorship signage at dinner
- Full-screen logo slide in event slide show
- Logo recognition for one year on TSF website with direct hyperlink
- Recognition in TSF’s Annual Report with donor spotlight article