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ASIS & IOBSE Webinar: Entrepreneurship in Security

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Below is the registration link for the ASIS International and IOBSE partnered webinar on Thursday, 12.12.24, Entrepreneurship in Security.  Registration is required and free for all to attend.


Day that many Christians associate with Jesus’ birth


Jewish holiday celebrated for eight days and nights honoring the victory of the Maccabeans, leaders of the Jewish people, over the GreekSyrian ruler, Antiochus, approximately 2,200 years ago


Hanukkah is a Jewish holiday that celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem.


African-American holiday started by Maulana Karenga in 1966 to celebrate universal African American heritage


Shinto New Year holiday also known as the Shogatu

Lunar New Year

Also known as the Spring Festival, this holiday marks the beginning of the lunar calendar in many East Asian cultures and symbolizes the renewal of life and the ushering in […]